

Could i say that it was worth the risk? It was worth me falling off a tree? Me balancing myself miserably, shamelessly just capture this picture, this digital portrait?


Because its all about being “Different”

In the world today we live for other people some say, but how true can that be? Everyone lives, eats and dies for their own selfish desires. They are coated by a selfless exterior to hide their true motives. But its about being new, Not pretending to be someone else or to do something so elaborate that it has to catch the peoples view but its about being something different from the crowd to get noticed. You get laughed at, made fun off, even get bullied but that’s alright. You can take it. Somewhere down the line its that special someone or them special someone’s who will greet you with open arms. That’s the true deep meaning about being different. Having the will to be patient.


There was something i wanted to tell

But its impossible, stuck in this shell

Caged, trapped an left to be

A soul adrift at sea

Waiting to end up on the sea shore

After years of peace

If there was any other statement people like making

On myself, my clothes, my style as a whole

Pushing me, making me a troll

I’m still happy and walking up tall

Because its time everyone knows it all

That what I’m saying is true

That i am being more like me

And less of you


Lanterns in the sky

To dream of a lantern sky
Is to wonder of what goes by
Family, Friends, those moments
Those intimate paths and dark potholes
Where each to his own with his or her own goals
My heart is beating smoothly
Yet its pumping hard
Love is something i can speak, fluently
But its not my trump card
I think of success and the fortune
Its nothing but a pile of sand dune
It will erode with the next wind
If i go my way alone
I’l be successful but a stationary stone
I’d eat, sleep, drink and sit
Thinking if i become successful, who will i share it with?

An Ode to the World


Can you see the black clouds in the sky?
Can you see the shining sun?
Floating in the open space
Watching them fly
You can see that you have won
In your mind
No one notices
that you are kind
They just see
the cruel complexion
Used as deflection
To deflect the bad
The bad of life, things which you should have had
Making you so happy and yet so sad
Living the life of your dreams
Yet hear the struggle of the screams
See the poor soul on the road
Do a little something for him
Be it an indirect ode
Which would get him a little attention
That the world still cares for its children
Because we have to return it someday
The life that we have been given


Bathing in the dust

Bathing in the dust

If there was one thing that would separate people from homes and the one’s who live outside is the “gutsy factor”. This man has nothing to loose, he has no branded bathroom, he has no home. He’s make doing with the drainage water discharged into the pothole on a road. So he’s having bath; no crime in that at all! So what’s the real problem? Here’s the answer, us citizens causing this to take place. We just pass by such people without realizing our wrong doing. Where is the change which will provide for its countrymen? The man didn’t mind me taking this picture, he smiled and continued bathing.

Quick Thought

Quick Thought

After all that struggle, those careful calculations, those precise steps ,ups and downs of the hill of life; what are you going to do when you reach the top or the edge of the hill?
I know what i’m going to do. I’m going to look at the view from the top, and if i don’t like it that much, i’l go down again and climb back up harder and faster and see if the view has changed.